Testing new Suunto 7 firmware (Sep. 7th 2020)
I tried the new firmware a few minutes ago. I used the new 10 second recording (which used FusedSpeed) and follow the same route that I did last week withe old firmware. My english is bad, so sorry about that. FYI my watch is in spanish language.
This is my result:
Old firmware (1 second): 62' for 9,03 km. 125 meters ascent / 130 descent
New firmware (10 seconds): 62' for 9,09 km. 125 meters ascent / 132 descent
Pretty good!
Route tracking with this screen is AWESOME. I don’t want to test battery consumption so I have the screen always on (80% of time) and following the track. FYI the battery drops 20%
I loaded and synced a track in SA
I created some waypoints and named it
When following a track Suunto 7 shows an alert when you are near the next waypoint and when is reached you get a new alert with the next waypoint. The “problem” here is that the alert only shows the type of waypoint, not the name you gave in SA.
I use a lot the names when racing ultras. For instance, I named WPT as NAME_ALTITUDE_CAPTIME. Cap time is the maximun time allowed to be at the point.
So, suggesting for Suunto: please, allow to show the name of the waypoint, not the type
Tracks loaded in watch are shown this way
Suunto create a low power mode for all the screens to get more working hours
As you can see, this screen has a small blue banner at the bottom. This is the remaining distance to finish the track. A rotating banner whis this information and the next waypoint distance would be great. You can all see the remaining ascent and the remaining time to finish the track.
Loaded track is in blue. Recorded track in red. You can see the next waypoint icon.
You get alerts even if you are not in track screen or low power mode. Above image shows proximity to the inmediate waypoint and the type.
This is what I talked before. Why not show my own name instead “PUNTO DE REF.” (REFERENCE POINT)? As you can see before the meters the icon is shown, so you can quickly see what kind of waypoint is.
When you reach the waypoint, you get an alert for the next. Same as before: you get the distance and the icon shows the waypoiny type but the text “PUNTO DE REF.” appears instead my own name.
Yes, you get and alert when off track. I received 2 o 3 alerts but I was clearly on track. Maybe is due the 10 seconds recording.
This new firmware elevate the Suunto 7 to another level. I love the watch and I’m expecting a new version with the new 4100 chipset.
Here are my suggestions to new firmwares:
· Ability to show my own name waypoints (as talked before)
· Alerts are show for a short time… maybe 5 seconds… sometime is difficult to see
· I missed a lot the track altitude profile of Suunto 9 Baro.
So this is all for this first time run. See you in Suunto Forums!
** Sep. 9th UPDATE**
If you want to compare and play with both tracks (fused 10 sec. vs non-fused 1 sec.) you cand give a try https://www.mygpsfiles.com/app/#8emXFP83